Employer's Liability


Every employer needs to protect their business from possible lawsuits resulting from persons in their employ being injured during the course of carrying out their duties. This injury may also include contracting work-related illnesses or even death. It is important to have Employer’s Liability coverage as these types of events sometimes occur due to negligence on the part of the employer and the resulting legal costs are variable and has the potential to reach very high amounts based on the nature of the injury.
There are cases in Jamaica where companies have had to close down their operations because of massive payouts relating to lawsuits filed by employees, who were injured in the course of their duties. In addition, Jamaica is becoming a more litigious country and it has been observed that employees are more frequently filing claims for injuries that would have once been overlooked. An employer who is faced with the legal responsibility to pay out-of-pocket for damages to an injured employee may face serious financial strain. Get covered today.